Ideas for resolutions for 2019

With the new year comes the opportunity to tidy up your personal belongings, only you can make it happen.  It is often a combination of small gestures that will make a difference. A good way to know and validate the improvement of your personal financial situation is...

Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP)

Families often have the will to support the children with their tuition fees. However, all the costs of these studies can sometimes represent significant amounts that could complicate the achievement of this objective. There is a method that will make it easier for...


Since the introduction of TFSA (Tax Free Savings Account) in 2009, we have been hearing all kinds of theories about the ultimate use of such a tool versus the maximization of our assets through an RRSP (Registered Retirement Savings Plan). This chronicle will help you...

Retirement and Taxation Part II

Given the number of tax-related measures that exist for retirement, we presented last month the first part of our chronicle dealing with the transition from working to retirement. Here is the second part of this theme. Part II – Recovery of OAS, Home support...

Retirement and Taxation (Part I)

The transition from working life to retirement will bring several adjustments, even at the tax level. Indeed, many elements will affect the taxes you will pay and therefore what you will have to support your standard of living. Given the amount of tax-related measures...